Covergirl - NCECA 2024 Juried Student Exhibition!
March 1-24, 2024

Look who got picked for the cover of the 2024 NCECA Student Juried Exhibition catalog!!!
For those of you not in the know, NCECA stands for the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts. This annual conference draws ceramic artists and educators from all over the world to share their work, their knowledge and their love of the material to the clay community.
The conference moves to a new city every year, with the conference in a big exhibition hall and mutliple events and exhibitions related to the conference spread out through the city it goes in to. This past year it was held in Richmond, Va. which was in easy striking distance- especially for transportation of such a heavy and fragile object! My work was exhibited at the Visual Arts Center as a part of the Student Juried Exhibition.
